Children’s Church
"Let the children come to me"
The children with Fr. Ed and Fr. Michael after Church Camp 2024. This year’s theme was “My God Can”.
God is blessing Sunday School each week as our thirty children gather for worship and study the Bible. With the Holy Spirit’s help, we are all learning more about who God is and the promises we have through Jesus.
We start each Sunday with a time of worship. Our worship includes three songs, a time of confession, saying the Lord’s Prayer and also a time to learn about what is happening in the church calendar. We have special services during Lent and Advent to teach the children about the Christian seasons and their importance.
2023 Christmas Pageant
Our current curriculum is published by LifeWay called “The Gospel Project”. We are moving into the New Testament to start the new school year as of August, 2024.
2023 Church Camp - Go and make Disciples!
In the summer months we continue to offer Sunday School and Church Camp runs the last week in June each year.
Those finishing second grade and interested in receiving first communion will attend six classes prior to being admitted to first communion. The classes focus on our liturgy and in particular the Nicene Creed and The Lord’s Prayer, the vestments, church calendar and the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Teen ALPHA and the new ACNA Catechism form the curriculum for those who are being prepared for the sacrament of Confirmation.
preschool and kindergarten
Our younger students attend our group worship time and then head to class to sing, listen to a bible story and craft. There is a nursery available for any mom’s with young children that are not ready for Sunday School.
first through third grade
Our younger school agents begin their Sunday also attending group worship and then in their class, lead by Ms. Tracy or Ms. Kler Soe they spend time reading the Bible story of the day, discussing what they have learned and then coloring or crafting.
fourth through eighth grade
Our oldest group are those children who are able to read and range from 8 years old through elementary school. Ms. Anna and Ms. Julia alternate teaching this group and also lead our worship. On the first Sunday of each month this group is in church and actively participating in the service by serving at the altar, reading and greeting.